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£90 - £100

Dog training classes

Each Dog training class will have a maximum of up to 6 dogs per class and last up to 1 hour with optional socialisation afterward. 


Puppy classes £90

Puppy sessions are the perfect chance to Socialise your new puppy and get them used to other dogs and people. All puppy's must have their first vaccinations and the all clear from their Vet to be out and about.


Age: Puppis between 12 weeks and 6 Months

Duration: 6 weeks


What you'll learn:

- Responding to their name

- Bed and Settle

- Sit, Down, Stand

- Recall

- Stay

- Taking items away and avoiding recourse guarding

- Socialisation with other dogs, people and being handled

- Food manners

- Loose lead walking

- Play manners


Basic Obedience £100

Group sessions are perfect for teaching you dog how to behave around high level distractions like other people and dogs and offer the perfect opportunity for socialisation. Nervous and easily distracted dogs will especially befit from learning in a group.


Age: 6 months and up.

Duration: 6 weeks


What you'll learn:

- How to mark and reward

- Sit, down and stand

- Leave it and food manners

- Loose lead walking

- Controlled walk around people and dogs

- Controlled walk through a door, gate or tight space

- Controlled greetings (not jumping up)

- Stay

- Recall

- Grooming and health checks


Since the hall is booked for 1 hour and this has to include set up and take down, Group classes will last about 50 minutes with optional socialisation in the park afterwards. It is recommended that you let your dog burn off some energy before the session starts.




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